Fresh Picked Strawberry Recipes for Summer!
Hey everyone! Who else can’t wait for the weekend!? We’ve got a busy one ahead of us – fun fair, my husband’s birthday was a couple days ago, my daughter’s birthday is tomorrow and our anniversary is on Sunday too! Lot’s of celebrating going around!
We’ve got a lot going on but let’s focus on tonight! It’s Strawberry season! And I’m super excited to be taking the kids to their school fun fair, the Strawberry Festival! What a great way to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer! While the kids can’t wait for the bouncy castles, to play the games with their friends and the ice cream, I’ve got my sights on a bigger prize – the homemade strawberry tarts! I just love strawberries to begin with and anything they’re in! And not just desserts, I love them in salads, drinks and appetizers too!
Here’s a roundup of some of my favourite strawberry recipes!

Strawberry Burrata Basil Salad

Strawberry Brie Grilled Cheese

Check these recipes out and let me know what you think! It’s such a great and easy way to bring a little summer to your table! Happy birthday and anniversary to my other half….and a super special happy birthday to my little girl!! Have a wonderful weekend all!

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